Five Steps Scientific Method

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Scientific method is a rational order of steps by which scientists and the rest of us use to solve specific problems and or to find new discoveries about the world around us. This is also a method that helps us organize our thoughts and procedures as well as helps us collect quantifiable, empirical evidence in an experimentation associated to a hypothesis. The Scientific Method comprise of five simple steps such as Making observations, Form a hypothesis, Test the hypothesis, Analyze data, and State conclusion.
Making observations is the first step in understanding the problem. This step helps you know how you want to go about your research because observations triggers a question that addresses the problem or topic you want to research. The second step is forming a hypothesis. A hypothesis is your prediction for the result of the experiment based on your observations and it must be testable. The third step is testing the hypothesis by conducting an experiment. Conducting an experiment or a test is a very crucial stage of scientific method for the reason that this stage is where you …show more content…

Also, during the experimentation, only the independent variable was altered and the other factors remain the same. This ensured that the altered made to the independent variable in fact triggered the variations in the dependent variables. However, using mice in a research study like this, will have limited conclusion because mice is so small compared to humans. Also, human and mice do not have the same metabolism and genetic make-up, hence any data obtained in the mice experiment will not provide sufficient accuracy. This means that the result of the experiment will always have missing details and may present bias. The experiment if done with humans might also have different effect than what was concluded in this

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