A Brief Review Of Saving Mr. Banks

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The movie saving Mr. Banks is about how Walt Disney and his employees, Travers Robert Goff, Richard Sherman and Robert Sherman works as a team to produce a show based on a book entitled “Marry Poppins” written by P.L Travers. This is more to a Biography featured film featuring P.L Travers story. In Travers' story, Saving Mr. Banks speak about the author's fortnight meetings during 1961 in Los Angeles, and was persuaded by Walt Disney in his attempts to obtain the screen rights to her novel. Disney did produce Mary Poppins after all. It was not an easy job after all the ups and down they have been through. But Saving Mr. Banks shown that Disney's beloved Mary Poppins might not have been so deep without having Travers' heavy hand in its creation.But …show more content…

Bank the movie has done great is that it has a variety of characters showing a dynamic of different personalities.Starting with Walt Disney, he is full with enthusiasm when he is trying to persuade Travers to work with him and sign the contract with him. For example, he showed great tolerance towards Travers' consistent naggings and followed her ideas although in heart he does not really approve them. Moving on to the driver of Travers, he is a gentleman by showing care and concern towards Travers when he open and close the door of car without letting others to take over his duty. The movie also spends some of its screen time showing that Travers has somehow changed before leaving L.A. She had learnt how to care a little, be more considerate about others and of course, sign Ralph’s book before she departed. In the end, Saving Mr. Banks has scattered content concerns. It has the intention to touch both the Travers and Disney sides of all of us and Travers is in tears when the show is at halfway(climax) until the end. It speaks the heart of Travers' moment of life and what I had learned from the story of Marry Poppins was to appreciate every moment you spent with your love ones while they are still

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