Fanning Springs Storage Case Study

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Section III: Internship Executive Interviews
The first executive interview conducted at Fanning Springs Storage, and the services offered, a storage facility. Regina Shilstone is the business executive of Fanning Springs Storage.
1. How long have you been in your current position?
➢ Mrs. Shilstone has been in her current position for twelve years.
2. Which career steps led to your current position?
➢ In sales for ten years, traveled all over the United States with a entrepreneur dog business, and wanted to be a local entrepreneur.
3. What are your responsibilities in this position?
➢ Supervises and coordinates the activities of the business. Performs the duties of human resource department by hiring, training new employees, and firing. Monitors …show more content…

Maintenance and repair of the storage units and buildings. Landscaping, and the general upkeep of the facility grounds. Marketing strategies, with social media for Fanning Springs Storage.
4. How many employees report to you?
➢ A small business, with seven employees, and four employees report to Mr. Shilstone.
5. How would you describe your management style (e.g. authoritative, participative, or delegative)?
➢ The management style that Mr. Shilstone implements is participative and delegative.
6. Do you set short and long term goals for your organization or department?
➢ Yes, short-term and long-term goals for the business. The short-term goals include, maintaining good connections in the storage industry to assist customers with storage needs. The long-term goal is to provide a top quality storage facility that is profitable.
7. Could you describe a typical workday?
➢ Mr. Shilstone connects with people within the community to build relationships, and for potential customers. Mr. Shilstone conducts marketing through social networks, such as media, and Facebook. Also, the maintenance of the storage buildings, landscape of the facility, and repairs.
8. What do you find most rewarding in your …show more content…

What are your responsibilities in this position?
➢ Supervise the activities of the business, and manage the employees, Review financial reports, sales reports, and activity reports. Implement goals, policies, objectives, and procedures of the business. Direct staff requirements, with appropriate routes for pest control operators, hiring, training, and firing. Monitor the business activities for cost effectiveness, and to generate a profit.
4. How many employees report to you?
➢ Mrs. Sipf has four employees that report to her, Hunts Pest Control is a small local owned business.
5. How would you describe your management style (e.g. authoritative, participative, or delegative)?
➢ The management style Mrs. Sipf applies is participative and delegative.
6. Do you set short and long term goals for your organization or department?
➢ Yes, Mrs. Sipf provides short term and long terms goals for the business.
The short-term goals involves the safely removal of pest infestations at customer residence and commercial. Managed the infestations with inspections, treatments, and customer communication. The long-term goals are to provide the most efficient and effective solutions to pest problems, with the highest of customer service. In addition, to always listen and work with

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