Overcoming Stressful Essay

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1. How do you overcome stressful or difficult situations? (minimum 250 words)
I would try to overcome stressful or difficult situations by trying to be prepared for unexpected situations that might happen to myself in the future, as a human being I cannot be prepared for everything and know how to deal with every kind of situations therefore I would try to get as much information as possible of the situation and use the knowledge to try to overcome the situation. I would also stay calm during the situation as it would help me a lot, because if I wouldn 't stay calm I would most likely panic about it and make a mistake that wouldn 't happen otherwise which would also help me get a bigger picture of the whole situation as most people tend to get really close up on the problem instead of seeing the big picture which makes it worse, because it could look worse then it actually is, by seeing the big picture of the problem you could also see the solution of the problem and you 'll understand that it wasn 't such a big problem as you thought it was at the start. The worst thing you can do during stressful or difficult situation is to allow your emotions to get better of you, and if you allow that to happen you 'll most likely make bad decisions, therefore you have to control the emotions so they would not impact your decisions. While you 're in a stressful or difficult situation you might also forget to utilize the knowledge and experience you already have, therefore you have to

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