Examples Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel "To Kill A Mocking Bird" written by Harper Lee in 1960, innocence is displayed and shown through some of the characters including Tom Robinson, Atticus Finch, and Boo Radley. Although these characters were innocent, they are all accused of doing something erroneous and are caused great shame because of it. The novel relates to a mockingbird because just like the bird, they had caused no harm and being punished was preposterous.
One of the main characters in the novel, Tom Robinson, was charged with false accusations of raping the daughter of Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell. Tom hires Atticus to defend him in court, even though Atticus knew he had a strong chance of being defeated, he still took the case for not only Tom, but his family too. Although Atticus got judged and got called a "nigger lover", he continued to believe in what he thought was right, which was standing up for an innocent member of Maycomb. Atticus symbolizes a mockingbird because even though all he had done was stand up for what he believed in, he was hated and judged by his own community. Atticus believes that "it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird". …show more content…

He had assisted Mayella Ewell out with work around the house and it resulted with her sexually assaulting him and not letting him leave her home. He did not want to harm her in any way."Mr. Finch, I tried. I tried to 'thout bein' ugly to her. I didn't wanta be ugly, I didn't wanta push her or nothin'. Her father then caught them and make an accusation that Tom was raping her, therefore got charged with rape and even though he had Atticus, a successful and respected lawyer by his side, Tom was found guilty because he was black. Tom tried to escape and while he was running, an officer shot him dead. He symbolizes a mockingbird because he was only doing good needs to a white lady and did not deserve what he got in return, which was contempt and

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