Examples Of Betrayal In The Great Gatsby

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Betrayal in The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a novel about the american dream, romance, money, and betrayal. Fitzgerald portrays betrayal in the novel as a common occurrence. Betrayal is one of the most important themes because throughout the novel nearly everyone betrays someone; if not themselves. Fitzgerald compares various forms of betrayal throughout the entire novel. A few forms of betrayal are betrayal through sex, love, and self. Betrayal in the 1920s was abundant. During the 1920’s women were more promiscuous than they had been in the past so both men and women were more likely to be unfaithful. Fitzgerald portrays the amount of betrayal that happened in the 1920’s very well throughout the novel. Showing how women in the 1920’s betrayed themselves, their social standings, their …show more content…

Her husband Tom was not happy about this at all, he explained at dinner one night “I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let mr.nobody from nowhere make love to your wife.” (pg.130) Gatsby was under the impression that Daisey only ever loved him but this was not the case. Gatsby was heartbroken when he came to the realization that Daisey had loved another; Tom. He explained to Tom “your wife doesn't love you. She never loved you. She loves me.”(pg. 130) While trying to tell Tom that daisy never loved him Daisey began to tear up and told Gatsby that she did love Tom at one point to Gatsby that was one of the most heartbreaking things that Daisey could have said because he devoted his life to her while she was living her adventurous loving life with Tom. She later left Gatsby behind and went back to her comfortable life with Tom “she vanished into her rich house into her rich full life, leaving gatsby-nothing.”

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