Ethical Relativism And Theoretical Analysis

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Human beings come from all types of societies throughout the World. With experiencing a different upbringing, people across cultures and nations tend to have contrasting views when it comes to morality. James Rachel’s is a philosopher who wrote an article on Ethical relativism and defined the term as, “The doctrine that there are no absolute truths in ethics and that what is morally right or wrong varies from person to person or from society to society” (Rachels, 2). Ethical relativism deals with three main concerns when evaluating a certain situation, the individual, the society in which they live in, and the historical time period. However, shouldn’t the whole general idea about ethics be a critical attempt towards finding reasonable, similar …show more content…

Some include peace, honesty, freedom, social progress and human rights. In some cases, human rights are another way of saying equality of rights. Although it is important to understand ethical relativism, one major factor especially in today’s society is how religion affects universal ethical standards. Unfortunately, religion’s role in today’s society is a driving force for radical terrorist groups including ISIS and the Taliban. The Taliban follow a radicalized interpretation of the Muslim religion. In 2015, journalist, Melissa Black made a YouTube video to show the mistreatment of Taliban women. Women are extremely confined with what they are able to do on a day to day basis and are deprived of rights such as driving, education, having to wear a veil that covers their entire body, and aren’t even able to leave the house without a male relative. (YouTube: The Taliban Treatment of Women). If you were to take away religion from everyone on this planet, then people’s moral values would be more universally connected. It is hard to judge another society and how they go about their life because who is to say that one moral or ethical system is better than

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