Essay On Emmett Till Murder

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The murder or lynching of Emmett Till shook not only the United States, but the entire world. People were finally seeing the harsh racism issue which was causing great harm to innocent citizens. The false accusations of Carolyn Bryant lived on long after Emmett was killed but only recently did she reveal parts of what she testified were not true. Ms. Bryant should be arrested because firstly, her role in the murder conforms to the definition of manslaughter, additionally, she lied to a jury, and furthermore her fabricated testimony left damage to those who were expected to continue live normally after their son, cousin, friend, grandchild, niece was brutally murdered. Exploring these aspects will clarify why Carolyn Bryant deserves to have her freedom taken away, similarly to how …show more content…

Manslaughter is defined as “a homicide committed without intent, although there may have been an intention to cause harm” (CBC News). Although Carolyn Bryant may not have had the end goal of Emmett ending up dead, she knew exactly what she was doing to explode the situation. Black Americans face discrimination daily, but in the 1950’s it was to the extent that if a white person were to come out saying a black person had caused them harm in any way, there inevitably would be a terrible ending. Ms. Bryant had prejudices and these prejudices caused her to wish harm against the people whom she had these judgments against. It just so happened to be that Emmett Till was the person she decided to inflict pain onto, and any type of inflicted pain should come with discipline and consequences. Additionally, lying to a jury, also called perjury (lying under the oath to tell

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