Praxis Der Kinderpsychiatrie By Leuner

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What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence can be defined as the capacity and the ability to be aware of, perceive, control, evaluate and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. The roots of the emotional intelligence can be traced to the Charles Darvin work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and adaptation. The term emotional intelligence had first appeared in the german publication Praxis der Kinderpsycologie and Kinderpsychiatrie by Leuner in the year 1966. In it, Leuner discusses about the women rejecting their social roles caused because of their early age separation from their mothers. He suggested that they had low Emotional Intelligence and prescribed …show more content…

Primarily there are three three basic models of Emotional Intelligence: Ability model:
The ability-based model views emotions as useful sources of information that help one to navigate and make sense of the social environment. It suggests that individuals vary in their ability to relate emotional processing to a wider cognition and in their ability to process information of an emotional nature. According to this model, EI includes four types of abilities:
1. Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, voices, pictures, and cultural artefacts, including the ability to identify one 's own emotions.
2. Using emotions – the ability to make use of emotions to facilitate various perceptive activities, such as problem solving and decision making.
3. Understanding emotions – the ability to interpret emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions.
4. Managing emotions – the ability to control emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can bind emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve envisioned …show more content…

He was the President and CEO of HeartMath Inc. for 11 years.
One of his articles is about boosting your emotional intelligence by following what your heart says. He states that it definitely helps an individual in creating and realizing a vision and confirming oneself. Thus an individual who reacts less to pressures and events, brings in more precision of thought, thus making him suitable enough to see today and foresee his future. Emotional reactivity can block your mind or change your mind-set that directly impacts yours performance in the task you do. But as you start adapting yourself in an emotional intelligence environment, you tend to get sensitive and flexible towards the requirements of your individuals, eventually resulting into an increased compassion. Because of this your emotions work more rapidly and are more powerful than your thoughts and such emotions boost productivity, activeness of mind, health and creativity.
Mayer, Salovey, and

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