Elizabeth Bathory Research Paper

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Elizabeth Bathory, a wealthy and powerful noblewoman, was born on August 7th, 1560, in Transylvania, Hungary. Nicknamed “The Blood Countess”, Elizabeth allegedly (as supposedly documented in her diary found in the Csejthe Castle) slaughtered six hundred and twelve to six hundred and fifty women--servants, peasants, and maidens alike, to which she notoriously bathed in their blood believing it aided in maintaining her youthful, milky white complexion. Even if one were to take only a tenth of the number she was confirmed and perhaps even rumored to have killed--which would make it around sixty--this number would still record her as the world’s most prolific female serial killer. Childhood: Elizabeth Bathory was born into extreme wealth and a lavish lifestyle. Nevertheless, the Bathory family was one of the oldest and most powerful in Transylvania, a clan in Central Europe that dominated majority of Hungary. Elizabeth spent most of her childhood at the Ecsed Castle, which stretched over a kilometer in diameter and over a mile in length. Her father, George Bathory, was born into the Ecsed branch of the family and so was the brother of Andrew Bonaventura Bathory, a former Voivod of Transylvania. Elizabeth’s mother was Anna Bathory, …show more content…

After marriage, Elizabeth moved from her family’s Ecsed Castle to live with the Nadasdy family in the Csejthe Castle atop a barren mountain in the Carpathians. Instead of spending time with his wife, Ferenc was usually away on various military campaigns against the Turks, leaving mistress Elizabeth alone with her knight toy-lovers, obedient servant girls, and an abundance of money at hand for her to use however she wants, whenever she wants. Eventually, when eating and having anything she desired, fooling around with the knight boys, having servants wait on her, groom her and dress her became boring, she began to sought for a more exquisite and morbid sense of

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