Dictatorship In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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The topic I’ll be explaining is how Ray Bradbury feared the political dictatorship. He would fear a Trump presidency today. He Wrote Fahrenheit 451 in fears of a Hitler and or Stalin like America. Ray Bradbury was the writer of the novel he was scared at the time. Looking at what the world and what he thought would happen with leaders like Hitler and Stalin. He had feared the book burnings and murders of authors in Germany and Russia, He feared it could come to the United states and eventually see a full censorship in our world. In Fahrenheit 451, FireFighters start fire and burn books, books are illegal to have and read in this dystopian world. The biggest problem is that the majority of the people aren’t aware there is a problem with this. …show more content…

Ray Wrote the book to help others understand and to make a statement against Hitler and the rumours at the time of Stalin. Trump and Hitler are similar in many ways, especially on how they both started their political Careers: which was pointed out by the Mexican president in an interview.“ Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has compared the rhetoric of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to that of German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He called Mr Trump's rhetoric "strident".He added that's how [Italian fascist leader] Mussolini got in, that's how Hitler got in.”(4) but the similarities seem have been pointed out by many others: editorials, talk show host, and many outspoken writers and opponents. The similarities are too close not to notice like: “Neither Hitler nor Trump campaign on specific policies, beyond a few slogans. Instead, both promise a new vision of leadership. They portray the existing political systems as fundamentally corrupt, incompetent, and, most importantly, unable to generate decisive action in the face of pressing …show more content…

Trump has put down other religions, ethnic groups Ray Bradbury would definitely be beginning, about the future of the world. Foreign Minister Wang Yi said "The One China policy is the cornerstone of the healthy development of China-US relations and we hope this political foundation will not be interfered with or damaged,"
"Our fundamental interest is in peaceful and stable cross-strait relations," said Ned Price, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council.” (1)
Trump clearly doesn’t understand political ties between countries. By taking the call from the Taiwan President and then tweeting about it, shows he did not know about the One China policy. This also shows that he will do and say anything without thinking about it. Trump Act’s without think of the consequences first is his promise to keep Carrier from leaving Indiana and opening new jobs in mexico.
“It was all news to Trump, who was taken aback at the idea that he promised to keep Carrier jobs in the United

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