Darren Wilson V. Michael Brown

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On August 9, 2014, Darren Wilson, a white police officer, shot and killed Michael Brown, who was an unarmed African American teenager in Ferguson Missouri. The jury’s verdict towards Officer Wilson was not brutal because he should have gotten life in prison since Michael Brown had his hands up before shots were fired, even though Officer Wilson was attacked it is always the last resort to fire at a human being, and the bias of the jury effected the results of the verdict.
At 11:54 a.m., Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson stole a few cigarillos from the Ferguson Market and Liquor store according to a surveillance video. Walking on a street known as West Florissant Avenue and the also Canfield Drive at 12:01 p.m. Officer Darren Wilson arrives …show more content…

At 12:02 p.m., Mr. Wilson calls in to the dispatcher to notify about the two men while moving his police unit to block not only the two men but traffic as well. According to New York Times, a dispute started to arise between Michael Brown, who is facing the front driver’s window with his hands spread to the side to display that he means no harm, and Officer Wilson sitting on the driver’s seat of the police unit. Due to conflict between Michael Brown and Officer Wilson, two bullets were fired from Officer Wilson’s gun one hitting Mr. Brown’s thumb briefly while the second bullet missed him. After shots were fired, Michael Brown began to run east along with Officer Wilson trying to chase him on foot. Once Mr. Brown comes to a competent halt, he turns in order to face Officer Wilson. Having both men facing each other, Mr. Brown moves slowly in …show more content…

When training to become a police officer, you are always trained to use a fire arm as the last resort depending on what the situation might be. Even though Michael Brown did attack Officer Wilson as stated above, as a police officer you are supposed to know how to fight a suspect since that is what police officers learn how to do in training before being inducted to become an official police officer. The grand jury and people, who were being interviewed to get their intake about the situation, believed that Officer Wilsons only choice was to use his fire arm in order to defend for himself against Michael Brown. When word got out to the world, this caused a huge wave of protests to occur that Michael Brown should have still been alive and given a proper rule of justice in the State of Missouri. As time passed on, the situation only got worse due to the fact that buildings started to catch on fire and small business reported to have been

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