Comparing Orville Wright's Flight And Aviation Industry

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After Orville Wilbur took to the air for demonstration, the propeller abruptly disintegrated. As a result, the aircraft spiraled and curved out of control, smashing into the ground at full speed. Lieutenant Selfridge died hours later having been pulled unconscious from the wreckage by rescuers. On the other hand, Orville Wright suffered four broken ribs, a back injury, and a broken leg that impaired him for the rest of his life. Despite these negative experiences and other devastating setbacks, the two brothers never gave in their commitment and determination to transform flights and aviation industry. The Wright brothers flew together in the aircraft only once since they had promised their father that they would never fly together. Apparently, their father did not approve of a flight that would see his two sons fly together because he feared losing both of them in an airplane accident . The history of aviation extends beyond 2,000 years, from the earliest kite flying (kites) to attempts towards manufacturing hypersonic and supersonic flight by powered jets. For instance, kite flying was popular in China, dating back to several hundred years BC. Many scientists believe that kite flying was the earliest illustration of …show more content…

The lantern comprises a paper balloon inside or just under which a fairly small lamp is placed. Traditionally, the Chinese launched sky lanterns during festivals and for pleasure. The lanterns had become popular among the Chinese by the beginning of the 3rd century BC. General Liang Zhuge (180-234 AD) played an integral part in expanding the use of sky lanterns by the military. According to General Liang, sky lanterns were fundamentally used to scare away the enemy troops. In general, the Chinese took advantage of this invention to solve aerial navigation problems mainly by using hot air balloons, several years before the 18th century

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