Common Law In Lord Of The Flies

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“Lord of the Flies” is about a group of schoolboys who get stranded on a deserted tropical island, where it starts off by hunting, building shelters, and placing rules and order to arguing over vigorous properties, fighting and in the end killing one another. From the many themes used in the novel, common law was the most abundant and the most appealing. Common law is “the laws that developed from English court decisions and customs and that form the basis of laws in the U.S.” (n.d.). In the novel, “Lord of the Flies”, the characters possess distinguishable traits that define and symbolize every boy (Li & Wu, 2009). For example, Piggy is symbolized as a rationalist and intellect. He is one of the first characters to realize the threat of being …show more content…

The answer to that question is because William Golding has seen it with his own two eyes. In fact, William Golding witnessed World War Two and he beheld how vicious humans can be and especially, how a normal being can alternate from a civilized human being to a complete savage. Thus, portraying how “Lord of the Flies” is an authentic history of World War Two and how its affects on others psychologically afterwards. William Golding uses human nature as his main theme in Lord of the Flies. Golding uses it to show the readers exactly how effortlessly civilization can break down and collapse, and how corruptive human nature actually is. The theme of the story conveys how twisted and distorted human nature can be throughout the story, which endorses the importance of evil nature and how it leans towards the disparaging side in the absence of any civilization (Anjum, Nawaz & Ramzan, 2012). There are many different parts of human nature, which can all lead to the downfall of society. Some of the aspects of human nature that the author, William Golding, persisted into the book are; devastation, discouragement, madness and fright which symbolized the characters in the novel. Golding also includes character, struggle, and as well as an allegory to portray that men are inherently

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