Borton's Model Of Reflective Practice

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Borton’s model (c1970) focusses on reflection within two key aspects one being the retrospective thinking –reflecting back– and the other being the prospective thinking –reflecting forward. Reflection is defined as “Reflective practice is the ability to examine one’s actions and experiences with the outcome of developing their practice and enhancing clinical knowledge. Reflective practice affects all levels of nursing, from students, to advanced practice nursing students, as well as practicing nurses (Caldwall, 2013).” Nursing profession requires reflection daily, the essay will now examine why it is essential within the health care system.

Reflection is essential within nursing as it give the nurse the ability to build up a resilience, so the ability to ‘bounce back’ from a traumatic event and learn from their mistakes and issues within that situation by thinking what was inaccurate (Paget, 2001). This allowing a nurse to improve the support they give to patients and to increase their personal confidence in handling a hectic matter with a patient or between work colleges without it making the hospital environment chaotic.

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However, to not negatively impact or become bias of their own practice standards patients receive. The quantity of critical reflection could cause more issues in the quality of care patients experience due to over analysing feedback from colleagues causing stress or anxiety by only thinking of the negative aspects noticed in your nursing. The understanding of what reflection is and why it is essential to nursing. Borton’s model focusses on reflection and how it is used within a practical

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