Book Reports On Hatchet By Gary Paulsen

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Hatchet is a book by Gary Paulsen. The story takes place in a plane crash, which took place in the middle of a Canadian forest. After the pilot, who was flying the plane, had a heart attack, leaving a kid at the controls. Luckily the kid came out with bruises and scratches. The main character is 13 year old Brian Robeson, Brian’s mother, Brian’s father, and a pilot. Brian had a normal, simple life, but after his parents suffered a divorce, and cheating on each other. He had to stay with his mother in the winter, and father in the summer. After being dropped off at the private, small airport in New York, his mother gave him a present of a hatchet, which will be useful later. He began his flight to, Canada. The flight was a quite, normal flight, …show more content…

At first, brian declined the offer, but after some persuading, Brian took over the controls. The pilot began to explain to Brian how to fly the plane, and how to turn, climb, and descend. The pilot then felt satisfied with Brian’s flying, and took over the controls again. The cockpit again, had a sound of silence, except the loud and roaring engine. And again, Brian is sitting in the right seat, thinking about the divorce. Moments later Brian realised the pilot was feeling qute ill. Suddenly, the pilot was having a heart attack, causing him to shake, and kicked the yoke out of place, causing the plane to turn violently to the left. 13 year old Brian Robeson is left with a dead pilot, and a plane, which he has no idea how to fly. Brian knew that the plane is off course, since the pilot kicked the controls, and made the aircraft turn around. Brian knows he is limited on time, since he knows the plane is burning fuel. He see’s a “L” shaped lake in the distance, and decides to ditch the aircraft in the lake. He later wakes up on the shore of the lake, with bumps, and bruises. His only supplies are, a hatchet, and his cloths on his back. He know that …show more content…

He looks at the shore line, and sees a little indent in the side of a cliff edge. He realises that the indent could be a good shelter. After creating a shelter, Brian needed a fire, and he had to do it quickly. After building his shelter, it falls down, and out of frustration, he threw his hatchet at the rock edge. Once the hatchet contacted the rocky wall, 100 of bright, glistening sparks fell from the hatchet. Brian had the idea to bring some dried grass as fuel for the sparks to land on. Once finding the dry grass, he places it under the hatchet and strike it, sparks fly down and hit the grass, causing fire. After he settled the fire, Brian quickly came to the conclusion that he needed food, and he needed it quite quickly, if had any chance to have energy to continue surviving. Frustrated, Brian went to the “L” shaped lake, and took a sip of fresh water. He then realised that there were tiny yellow fish swimming in the water. But he had no method of fishing them out. And he needs the fish in a hurry. After walking around the lake, he find a stick, and begins to sharpen the top to a point with is hatchet is mother gave him. He now has a fish

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