Anne Moody's Coming In Mississippi Analysis

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Since the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in 1863 there was a perpetual battle for African American equality in the United States that was a key part of our history throughout the twentieth century. Anne Moody’s Coming of in Mississippi is a book that greatly outlines the hardships faced by a black individual during the fight for equality. One main theme covered in the book is whether violent or nonviolent action is more productive in the fight for equality. This argument is one that defined various African American leaders in the mid nineteenth century. Leaders such as Martin Luther King prided themselves on nonviolent protests while others such as Malcolm X argued that violence was needed to truly reach equality. Anne Moody and Dave Dennis grew up in a time where racial tensions were at their peak. They witnessed the influence of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and saw the different tactics each of the men believed would be the most successful in achieving racial equality. For Moody and Dennis it was very tempting to exercise violence in order to achieve their goal, but ultimately Martin Luther King’s nonviolent approach was more successful in creating a society with true racial equality. The nonviolent approach was more likely to not only achieve legal equality, but achieve a true sense of respect among …show more content…

She continues to get good grades, plays the piano, and plays basketball. Once again Anne leaves town after the school year. This time she heads to New Orleans to live with some members of her extended family. Once again she finds it difficult to get a job. Anne’s junior year is very similar to the first two. She continues to get good grades and participate in extracurricular activities, but grows increasingly bored living in Centreville. After her junior year Anne travels to New Orleans to search for work one

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