American Revolution Dbq Essay

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American society was fundamentally changed by the American Revolution in multiple ways. It brought about political ideas of democracy while also bringing citizens rights and testing them. Women's rights, along with slave rights, were also talked and debated about in this time period (A, H, J) although nothing was really done for women and slaves in this time period. Our economy was put to the test during the American revolution when poor farmers were angered over the high taxes. The American Revolution and Enlightenment ideas that came around during this time period forever changed politics. The thoughts of freedom for all came during an era when rulers managed the greater part of the world with an iron fist, not listening to, specifically, …show more content…

women's roles expanded extraordinarily amid the unrest. While men were away battling or running the nation, women were at home running and guarding the home. This can be found in the document A and G. Women had, for a period, the privilege to vote in New Jersey. The unrest additionally expanded the training of women and urged them to be more included out in the open life. Women were not allowed the privilege to vote until numerous years after the fact, yet that establishment began amid the American Revolution. The act of slavery was normal amid the time of the American Transformation in the states and in Europe. At the time, it was the essential monetary means in the South and Caribbean. American progressives questioned the ethics of slavery, however were not able change much right now. Nonetheless, slavery was banned in the Northwest regions, where it wasn't as essential for the region’s economy. In spite of the fact that the Revolution was not made to ban slavery, it cased the issue and permitted future eras to comprehend …show more content…

For instance, see the decoration given out by the Philadelphia society for Promotion of Agriculture. It had a touch of religious alliance by demonstrating diligent work, yet spoke to the need of developing agricultural products. Today that message is still clear. Be that as it may, around then, the agricultural business was not as solid. Numerous ranchers were poor, owed debt, and inflation was high. Their lenders wished to be paid, and took numerous to court. Accordingly, a considerable lot of them attempted to make a rebellion and close down the court system, this upset of the lower class tried the new government. George Washington soon sent down a vast armed force to suppress the

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