American Revolution Dbq

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Prior to the American Revolution, the American People were under the rule of the British government. Due to the mistreatment, the Americans wanted to rebel and become free of British rule. In order to do so, they partook in the event of the American Revolution. During the American Revolution, there were many smaller battles and war within the overall war to achieve freedom. For Instance, the first battle was the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Through this battle, Thomas Gage, the governor of Massachusetts, wanted to stop the growth of militias so he sent a group of British troops to Concord to seize colonial arms and to arrest any rebelling leaders. (Chapter 10) This lead to the famous event of Paul Revere’s saying, “The British are coming.” …show more content…

The purpose of the Second Continental Congress was to get the Americans colonies ready for war. This meeting gave the authorization of the printing of paper money to buy supplies for the war, established a committee to supervise foreign relations with other countries and created a Continental army. Through this continental army, the Americans expanded their liberties as they are now able to fight for the vision of freedom. Through this Congress, Thomas Paine impacted the American colonies through his pamphlet, “Common Sense.” Through this pamphlet, paine claimed that, “Monarchy and hereditary succession have laid the world in blood and ashes” as well as calling King George a “Royal Brute.” (Chapter 10) This act was a large risk for Thomas Paine as this is an act of a trader in which he could receive a severe consequence. However, Paine had faith and confidence that the American Colonies would break away from the British control in which he would not be punished. Because of this pamphlet, many who read this saw sensible arguments as to why the Americans should break from British Control expanding their liberty to revolt against the British

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