Alcohol Fuelled Violence Australia Essay

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In Australia, alcohol-fuelled violence has become an increasing issue, particularly among young men. Often, young men are being involved in unprovoked attacks which have resulted in severe injuries and/or death by people under the influence of alcohol. This harm combined with the consumption of alcohol is emerging and presents a major challenge to police officers, doctors, nurses and paramedics. The deaths of Thomas Kelly and Daniel Christie have influenced the government to amend the ‘Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Assault and Intoxication) Act 2014 NSW. Through spreading awareness, the non-legal measures have caused the government to become aware of such issues and to act upon it. Non-legal measures include the media, lobby groups (Thomas Kelly Foundation and Real Heroes Walk Away) and NGO’s (Last Drinks). The R v Loveridge case, has majorly influenced the legal measures such as courts and parliaments to introduce mandatory sentencing on one punch laws and lockout laws, which have successfully reduced the amount of alcohol-fuelled assaults.

Although there have been many cases involving one punch assaults, the most influential and important case by far was the ‘R v Loveridge’ case. This particular case, has become prominent, resulting in an introduction of lockout laws and mandatory sentencing on …show more content…

Besides the articles about the new amendments for alcohol-fuelled violence, the media also focused on assaults that were occurring in Kings Cross, as well as defending businesses who would lose money from the law reform. As a result of the media, the issue of alcohol-fuelled violence has successfully spread everywhere, which has influenced the government to introduce and amend many laws, strongly reducing alcohol-fuelled assaults in

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