Al Capone's Accomplishments

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Al Capone

Al Capone was born on January 17, 1899. He didn’t grow up in a poor or troubled household, the majority of most of his days growing up he lived the childhood of a regular kid. He never seemed destined to be a worldwide infamous mobster, but as he started to become a young adult his actions showed otherwise. Throughout Al Capone’s life, he was known for committing and getting away with many dangerous crimes. His name will ring bells for several generations to come due to the notoriety of his infamous crimes (History). As a young child in grade school, Al Capone didn’t make the worst of grades. He was a decent student who lost interest in school and started enjoying doing mob like activities such as gambling with dangerous people like mobster Johnny Torrio. One day, Capone got in trouble with his teacher and was struck due to his troubling actions. When he was hit by his teacher, he lost all self control and hit his teacher back; causing him to get kicked out of his school (Nix). …show more content…

His parents moved there thinking it would create a better life and give young Capone more opportunities compared to where they previously lived; little did they know, this would be the place where their child would meet all the wrong people. It was said that once he moved outside of Brooklyn “Capone would meet both his future wife, Mary Mae Coughlin, and his mob mentor, numbers racketeer Johnny Torrio” (History). The only positive person Capone met once he moved was his future wife. His wife, Mae Capone, didn’t bring any negative aspects into Capone’s life like everybody else did, however, she never made much of an effort to stop him from hanging with, Johnny Torrio, one of the greatest mobsters at the time. His involvement with Torrio influenced him to become a mobster in his own right, and a good one at

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