A Rhetorical Analysis Of Noodles

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Most commercials hire models or celebrities to better sell a product; however, using real everyday people speaks to the audience that not only are our employees relatable but they also seem like a friend, sister, neighbor, or anyone you trust in to making your visit a positive one. This relates to emotion by the matches of words and pictures. The word real when placed beside food and people brings a sense of authentic when consuming the dishes or interacting with the team. This emotion presented in this example is honestly when trusting the food industry.

Figure 5: Ending image in Noodles and Company commercial. This image is the last thing the viewers will see and it allows them to feel welcomed and invited to come to any Noodles and Company location. …show more content…

The picture above uses a bunch of animation as an example of pathos, which brings a fun interactive vibe to the commercial. It also says “See you soon” Including this on the last page is seen as a personal invitation after a long introduction to the restaurant. The use of pathos from start to finish by combining visual attraction, word play and, the sound of music allows the viewer to go from being attentive to the commercial and music, to seeing real dishes, to a list that speaks to their personal preferences to being physically invited to dine at any Noodles and Company. Connecting to the audience emotion, as a trigger point to get them to actually visit and eat at their nearest

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