Poison Prevention – ipl: Information You Can Trust

Tips for Parents

Using this site with your children

This site was designed for children, but children should always be accompanied by a grownup to explain the information and talk in more detail about poison safety.

  • Look through the children’s section first to get an idea of the topics covered and how the information is arranged. Some content may not be appropriate for all children.
  • It’s a good idea to let your children do the driving when you look at this site together, just make sure to cover all the topics you think are important.
  • You’ll notice that there are points where questions are asked, and you have a chance to discuss things with your child before going on to the "answers". Take advantage of these opportunities to talk about poison safety in your residence, and get more specific about the poisons found there. Allowing children to predict what will happen next can be a good motivating technique.
  • We are rather generic in our approach, so make sure your children "fill in the blanks" and identify the other poisons they might encounter that we did not mention in the What or Where sections.
  • Most importantly, have fun! And be sure to let us know how it turned out.

Future plans…

We have many plans for making this site more useful, keeping it fresh, and keeping the information accurate and up-to-date.

Soon there will be archives of this site available for download so you can run them locally for more convenient access. Until we are able to respond to your feedback about this version of the site we decided not to create PC or Mac archives. Check back!
