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Sites about Moby Dick or the Whale

by Herman Melville

Book about a sea captain’s quest to kill a white whale.

Characters: Ishmael, Captain Ahab, Queequeg, Moby Dick, Starbuck
Keywords: revenge, white whale, harpoon, peg leg

Critical sites about Moby Dick or the Whale

The Significance of the Narrator in Moby-Dick
“The narrator of Moby-Dick performs a crucial democratising function, linking Ahab, the text and the natural environment together as equal participants in a system of consumption and counter-consumption.”
From: The Pequod MLA: “Title of the Article/Page.” The Pequod. dd mon.m yyyy. dd mon. yyyy .
Moby-Dick: A Brief Discussion
This site discusses the type of plot, topics of the plot, principal characters, and the nine encounters in Moby Dick.
Contains: Plot Summary,
Nantucket’s Tried-Out Moby-Dick
“Nantucket’s Tried-Out “Moby-Dick” is a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of Melville’s greatest work, intended to assist first-time readers on this long and difficult, but fascinating, adventure. Mr. diCurcio has graciously offered the 79 core chapters and the epilogue through this web site as a helpful research tool for beginning Melville fans.”
Contains: Plot Summary,
Author: diCurcio, Robert A.
The Sweet Tongues of Cannibals: The Grotesque Pacific in Moby Dick
“The Pacific in this way stimulates Ishmael’s imagination, broadening his vision beyond the limits of the horizon, to the bounds of knowable geography and history. For Ishmael sees under the surface of the vast ocean the lives, souls, somnambulisms and dreams of those who have been drowned in it. “
Contains: Content Analysis,
Author: Andrew Fieldsend
From: Deep South v.1 n.3 (Spring, 1995)

Other (non-critical) sites about Moby Dick or the Whale

American Dreamers: Melville and Kerouac
‘Circumnavigating the globe with the Navy, at age 19 and “more or less permanently in the grip of romantic adolescent impulses,” Robert Stone had two books with him: “Moby-Dick” and “On the Road.””
Author: Robert Stone
From: The New York Times December 7, 1997
Author: Robert Stone
From: The New York Times December 7, 1997
Moby Dick
This ste allows you to search the full text of Moby Dick using keywords, allows for truncation and sounds-like searches.
Keywords: full text, searching, key words,
Power Moby-Dick, the Online Annotation
Terrific e-text that includes notes glossing unfamiliar words, explaining obscure allusions, and providing historical context.
Contains: Historical Context,
Author: Guroff, Margaret
Author: Guroff, Margaret
Reading Group Guide: Moby Dick
Discussion questions for the work.
Contains: Content Analysis,

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013