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Sites about Collected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley

by P. B. Shelley

Critical sites about Collected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley

Mirroring the Future Adonais, Elegy, and the Life in Letters
“To understand Adonais, a poem so fiercely traditional that it seems anachronistic, we need to consider both its handling of the conventions that it inherits from the tradition of pastoral elegy and how Shelley’s use of them reflects and responds to the condition of the poet in the early nineteenth century.”
Contains: Historical Context
Author: Michele Turner Sharp
From: Criticism Summer 2000
Violent Names: Beatrice Cenci as a Speaking Subject
This conference paper discusses how “By not naming, Beatrice is able to use speech to command a degree of control over herself and her story even when it is impossible to achieve justice within the law. By showing how the law is based on names that do not do just ice to her experience, Beatrice provides a strong critique of law and society.”
Contains: Character Analysis, Content Analysis
Author: Renata L. Kobetts
From: Graduate Student Conference in Romanticism Emory University, April 1996

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013