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Thucydides (ca 460 BCE – ca 400 BCE)

Nationality: GreekPeriods: Greek: Classical

historian of the Peloponnesian War

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Criticism about Thucydides

Accuracy in Thucydides
“I will suggest that Thucydides was less interested in testing information than has been generally assumed and more inclined to scrutinize his informants, the people who brought information to him from the various arenas of the war.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Gordon S. Shrimpton
From: The Ancient History Bulletin 12.3 (1998) 71-82
Protagorean Frames of Reference in Thucydides
“In what follows I want to shift my focus away from the dialogic principle that has already benefited from much good analysis in order to consider the potential of Protagorean relativism as a tool for understanding, organizing, and describing events.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Ross Scaife
From: The Ancient History Bulletin 10.1 (1996) 31-37
Thucydides and his Predecessors
“By drawing together and examining some of the recent explorations of Thucydidean intertextuality, I hope to establish more firmly how Thucydides alluded to his predecessors; and by looking beyond the worlds of epic and Herodotus that have dominated recent discussions, I hope to present a more rounded image of the literary milieu of the early Greek historians.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Tim Rood
From: HISTOS Vol. 2 1998
Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity: The Limits of Political Realism
“Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War is the earliest surviving realist text in the European tradition. As an account of the Peloponnesian War, it is famous both as an analysis of power politics and as a classic of political realism. From the opening speeches, Thucydides’ Athenians emerge as a new and frightening source of power, motivated by self-interest and oblivious to the rules and shared values under which the Greeks had operated for centuries. Gregory Crane demonstrates how Thucydides’ history brilliantly analyzes both the power and the dramatic weaknesses of realist thought.”
Author: Crane, Gregory
From: The University of California Press: 1998
Thucydides on Speeches
“I am of course aware that many people, on seeing the title of this paper, will shudder in anticipation of yet another dissertation on a topic which has remained a perennial in the Classicist’s garden. Yet the presence of the article in this journal will at once relieve fears that the treatment will be lengthy and I can further assure the reader that there will be no parade or dissection of previous scholarship. My aims in this note derive from a reading of the short passage 1.22.1 and they are to wonder if much that has been written has not over-complicated what is essentially a straightforward statement (in so far as Thucydides was capable of making one) and to offer for consideration two observations which do not seem to be prominent in the debate.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Robert Develin
From: The Ancient History Bulletin 4.3 (1990) 58-60

Biographical sites about Thucydides

Perseus Encyclopedia: Thucydides
Biorgaphical information on Thucydides.
Contains: Extensive Bio, Bibliography
Author: The Perseus Project
From: Perseus Encyclopedia

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013