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Sir Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626)

Nationality: BritishPeriods: British: 1500-1700

English philosopher and essayist, writer of The New Atlantis, solicitor general and attorney general for James I, Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans

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Criticism about Sir Francis Bacon

Are there Ciphers in Shakespeare?
“This is an introduction to an ingenious and creative cipher system to be found in the works of William Shakespeare.” This work questions whether or not Shakespeare wrote the works attributed to him. It particularly examines the works for possible ciphers (codes) used to hint at Francis Bacon as the actual author.
Contains: Commentary, Criticism
Author: Penn Leary
Bacon, Brought Home
“The philosopher Francis Bacon argued that humans had psychological barriers to understanding the natural world.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Stephen Jay Gould
From: Natural History June, 1999
Francis Bacon and the Rhetoric of Nature
“Francis Bacon and the Rhetoric of Nature offers a synthesis of Bacon’s views about language and nature. John Briggs clarifies the close relation between Bacon�s famous reform of scientific method and his less well-known conceptions of rhetoric, nature, and religion. He examines traditional views of nature and persuasion that were influential in the intellectual and practical life of early-seventeenth-century England, and shows how Bacon replaces the �old nature� � with is gradual unfolding of organic potential � with a �new nature� of violence, secrecy, and instantaneous revelation rewarding the self-abnegating, assiduous sons of science. Briggs explores Bacon�s paradoxes and puzzles in the context of the older Aristotelian and cosmological perspective, paying particular attention to the views of persuasion. He points out a remarkable and complex consistency in Bacon�s use of Solomon, Moses, Paul, and the Greeks, and reveals the depth of Bacon�s conviction that nature is God�s code, which scientists decipher and exploit. He uncovers, throughout in Bacon�s work, a darker, more Machiavellian and ingenious Bacon than the twentieth-century admirers of his rationalist faĉade have identified.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Briggs, John C.
From: iUniverse Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989

Biographical sites about Sir Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon
“Francis Bacon was the son of Nicolas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal of Elisabeth I. He entered Trinity College Cambridge at age 12. Bacon later described his tutors as “Men of sharp wits, shut up in their cells of a few authors, chiefly Aristotle, their Dictator.” This is likely the beginning of Bacon’s rejection of Aristotelianism and Scholasticism and the new Renaissance Humanism.”
Contains: Full Bio, Timeline
Keywords: life, history, biography, chronology

Other sites about Sir Francis Bacon

An Authorship Analysis: Francis Bacon as Shake-speare
Extensive site addresses the question of whether Bacon was the actual author of many or all of Shakespeare’s works.
Contains: Commentary, Extensive Bio, Pictures
Author: Dupuy, Paul

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013